Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Chp 6 (6-17)

Sarcophagus of Lars Pulena

Made by an Etruscan sculptor
Made during the 2nd Century BCE
Located in Tarquinia, Italy
Coffin has depictions of the Etruscan Underworld on the sides

Chp 6 (6-8)

Interior of the Tomb  of Shields and Chairs

Built  by  the Etruscan Families
Made during the 7th Century
Located at Cerveteri, Italy
Chairs made for the terracota statues of the deceased
Made from the bedrock and earth they had cut into

Chp 6 (6-7)

Tumuli of the Banditaccia Necropolis

Built by Etruscan families
Built during the 2nd century BCE
Located outside of Cerveteri, Italy
The dead weren't allowed to be buried within the cities, so they were buried here instead
Cut  from dark local limestone called tufa, then covered in earthly materials

Chp 6 (6-6)

Sarcophagus with Reclining Couple

Built by the Etruscans
Made around 520 BCE
Located in Cerveteri, Italy
Cut and painted from terracota

Chp 6 (6-3)

Model of a Typical Etruscan Temple

Made the Etruscan religious groups
Typical look through out the entire Etruscan era
Located in Central Italy, Built for religious purposes
Base and walls made from mud brick, columns and  roof constructed from wood

Chp 6 (6-2)

Fibula of Orientalizing Lions (6-2)

Built by a  wealthy Cerveteri Family
Made in  640 BCE
Found at the Regolini-Galassi Tomb, Cerveteri, Italy
Designed  to fasten a woman's gown to her shoulder

Chapter 6 Image 22 Tomb of the Triclinium

Chapter 6 Image 21 Ficoroni Cista

Chapter 6 Image 20 Sarcophagus

Chapter 6 Image 19 Porta Marzi

Chapter 6 Image 18 Etruscan Temple

Chapter 6 Image 17

Fibula of Orientalizing Lions

Built by a  wealthy Cerveteri Family
Made in  640 BCE
Found at the Regolini-Galassi Tomb, Cerveteri, Italy
Designed  to fasten a woman's gown to her shoulder

Chapter 6 Image 16

capitoline wolf

what Capitoline wolf
where rome Italy
when 500 bce
how bronze 2'7 high
which Romulus and remus raised by wolf estruscan wolf, romans added statue of kids later

Chapter 6 Image 15 Aule Metele

Chapter 6 Image 14 Tomb of the Shields

Chapter 6 Image 13 Apulu

Chapter 5 Image 12

Temple of Apollo (5-75)

Designed by Paionios of Ephesos and Daphnis of Miletos
Made around 300 BCE
Located in Didyma, Turkey
Dedicated to Apollo, Venture into non-traditional build design
Planned to have 4 walls and an open ceiling. Took 500 years to built but never fully completed

Chapter 5 Image 12

Caryatids of the South Porch of the Erechtheion (5-54)

Made in 405 BCE
Located at Erechtheion, Greece
Built as an alternative art style for columns, replace the traditional Ionic style
Plaster Casts of Marble Statues

Chapter 5 Image 12

Three Goddesses ( Hestia, Dione, and Aphrodite ) (5-49)

Made by Phidias
Made around 432 BCE
Found at the Panthenon at the Acropolis in Athens, Greece
Sculpted from marble 

Chapter 5 Image 12

Athena Parthenos (5-46)

Made by Phidias
Made around  438 BCE
Found in the cella of the Parthenon at the Acropolis in Athens, Greece
Built in dedication to Athena
Built from chryselephantine, a mix of ivory and gold
Original was destroyed during the Persian sacking of Athens

Chapter 5 Image 12

Chariot Race of Pelops and Oinomaos (5-32)

Made around 456 BCE
Found at the Temple of Zeus, Olympia, Greece
Tells the story of the Chariot Race between Pelops and King Oinomaos
Sculpted and carved from marble

Chapter 5 Image 12

Facade of the Temple of Aphaia  ( restore view ) (5-27)

Recreated by Guillaume-Abel  Blouet
Originally made around 500 BCE
Built in Aegina, Greece
Dedicated to Aphaia, a local nymph
Sculpted and carved from limestone

Chapter 5 Image 12

Achilles and Ajax Playing a Dice Game (5-20)

Made by Exekias
Made around 530 BCE
Found at Vulci, Italy
Depicted that Greek soldiers were always battle ready, even while relaxing

Chapter 5 Image 12

Corinthian Black-Figure Amphora with Animal Friezes (5-5)

Made by Corinthian Potter
Made around 600 BCE
Found at Rhodes, Greece
Black-Figure painting was an expressive art design in Greek Culture

Chapter 5 Image 11 Exekias

Chapter 5 Image 10 Epigonos

Chapter 5 Image 9 Youth Diving

Chapter 5 Image 8 Erechtheion

Kritios Boy (chapter 5 image 7)

Sculpted by Kritios
Made around 480 BCE
Found at the Acropolis, Athens
Sculpted to express how a human actually stands on it's two feet

Geometric Krater from the Dipylon Cemetery (Chp 5 image 6)

Made by Athenian Potter
Made around 740 BCE
Found at the Dipylon Cemetery in Athens
Used to  permit visitors to pour libations for the dead beneath the krater